Astrology of Sunday, July 12th 2020
July 12, 2020
Astrology of Tuesday, July 14th 2020
July 14, 2020Monday begins with the Moon in Aries held back by a square to stern Saturn in Capricorn, loading the morning with excess weight. By mid-day, though, the Moon escapes into Taurus. Though not speedy, the bovine sign gives things a steady, productive pace.
The Sun in Cancer sits exactly opposite Jupiter in Capricorn today, marking the brightest portion of the big planet’s yearly cycle. Here the Sun’s rays illuminate what potential for growth and improvement there is in this hard year. As discussed in “Jupiter in Capricorn: Dark Wings and Magic Rings,” the right strategies will tend to fall into the categories of fortification, trash-pile treasure finding, and the inversion of negatives into positives. Over the next week, the Sun will move from opposition with Jupiter on to Pluto and finally Saturn, in effect treating us to a very sobering half-time show.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries -> Taurus, 4th Quarter
Moon Square Saturn: Jul 13th, 8:54 AM PDT
Moon Enters Taurus: Jul 13th, 10:33 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Mercury: Jul 13th, 9:55 PM PDT
Sun Opposite Jupiter: Jul 14th, 12:58 AM PDT
See Current Chart