Astrology of Monday, July 13th 2020
July 13, 2020
Astrology of Wednesday, July 15th 2020
July 15, 2020Tuesday begins with the Moon’s conjunction to electric Uranus, whose charge might remain
latent or may arc surprisingly, giving the morning a shock. As the day of Mars, there is strong
ambient fire throughout Tuesday, but whatever Uranus-inspired revelations or disruptions
occur during the first half of the day are likely to be slowed and pacified during the second, due
to the peaceable Taurus Moon’s sextile with soothing Neptune.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Taurus, 4th Quarter
Moon Conjunct Uranus: Jul 14th, 7:12 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Neptune: Jul 15th, 4:13 AM PDT
See Current Chart