Astrology of Sunday, May 19th 2019
May 19, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, May 22nd 2019
May 22, 2019Monday is host to the Moon’s happy conjunction with Jupiter in Sagittarius. The big planet’s beneficence gives the day a good measure of support, and is relatively auspicious for a wide variety of endeavors. Monday’s Moon is favorable until deep in the night, when it enters Capricorn.
Late night, the Sun enters Gemini, shifting its spotlight to the wild winds which race across and above terra firma. The Sun’s time with the Twins stimulates curiosity and conversation, and is good for exploration and speed. Sol will be in Gemini until the solstice, June 21st.
In hot pursuit of our star, Mercury enters Gemini shortly after the Sun. The messenger is considered to be at home in the dual-bodied sign, and stimulates both cognition and communication while within it. Mercury will push the pace during its time in Gemini, which this year will last until June 4th.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius -> Capricorn, 3rd Quarter
Moon Conjunct Jupiter: May 20, 10:09 AM PDT
Sun Enters Gemini: May 21, 12:58 AM PDT
Moon Enters Capricorn: May 21, 1:00 AM PDT
Mercury Enters Gemini: May 21, 3:51 AM PDT
See Current Chart