Astrology of Friday, August 10th 2018
August 10, 2018
Astrology of Monday, August 13th 2018
August 13, 2018The Moon spends much of the day without aspect in Leo, giving last night’s eclipse room to reverberate. The Moon enters Virgo during the evening, and then spends the night in a Grand Earth trine with innovative Uranus in Taurus and architectural Saturn in Capricorn. Uranus and Saturn are in a almost-perfect trine all month, recreating the angle they spent 2017 in, but in earth rather than fire signs. Uranus and Saturn have inherently contrary indications. Saturn concretizes, Uranus volatizes. Saturn protects tradition, Uranus disrupts with fresh fire. Their configuration in a trine, the most harmonious of the soft aspects, puts the two in a place to agree on more than usual, though it does not change either of their natures. Under these configurations, the architect and the rebel can come together to produce innovative but practical blueprints. The Moon’s configuration with the two tonight activates the dynamic, but it is important to note it will be in the background for all of August.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo, 1st Quarter
Mars Re-enters Capricorn: Aug 12 2018 7:15 PM
Moon Opposite Neptune: Aug 12 2018 8:49 PM
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Aug 12 2018 9:10 PM
Moon Trine Pluto: Aug 13 2018 4:16 AM
See Current Chart