Astrology of Friday, August 17th 2018
August 17, 2018
Astrology of Sunday, August 19th 2018
August 19, 2018Saturday begins with the Moon in Scorpio’s sextile with retrograde Mars in Capricorn, starting things off with thoughts of battles to fight and goals to meet. Yet the Moon leaves brooding Scorpio shortly thereafter, adjusting the tone of the day in a more positive direction.
The big story today, though, is Mercury’s direct station. Retrograde since the end of July, Mercury does an about-face Saturday evening. This pirouette untangles the road forward, and confirms clarity which took weeks to attain. The station is doubly pleasant because it occurs in a perfect sextile with exquisitely poised Venus in Libra. This complimentary pairing weaves together Venus’ creative, benefic nature with Mercury’s clever, analytic one. Together, the two send kind messages and smile upon works of art and diplomacy.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Scorpio -> Sagittarius, 2nd Quarter
Moon Sextile Mars: Aug 18 2018 8:10 AM
Moon Enters Sagittarius: Aug 18 2018 9:48 AM
Mercury Sextile Venus: Aug 18 2018 8:37 AM
Mercury Stations Direct: Aug 18 2018 9:25 PM
Jupiter Trine Neptune: Aug 19 2018 12:43 AM
See Current Chart