[The Astrology Podcast] August Forecast
August 1, 2020
Astrology of Sunday, August 2nd 2020
August 2, 2020The first day of August is a busy one. The strong Sun in Leo spends the day in a square with quietly revolutionary Uranus in Taurus, catalyzing changes of perspective and priority throughout Saturday.
Meanwhile, the waxing Moon in Capricorn spends the daylight conjoined besieged Jupiter and square red Mars. There is a hunger for triumph over contrary forces today, even if the conditions for victory are merely to hold the line. As the afternoon extends towards evening the Moon slides into a mellowing sextile with anesthetic Neptune, blunting the pokier bits of the day for a bit.
Night has an obsessive, investigative quality. The Moon spends the dark hours with opposed Pluto and Mercury. The paths through night’s forest are lined with rabbit holes. Make sure you pick the right one.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn, 2nd Quarter
Moon Square Mars: Aug 1st, 2:22 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Jupiter: Aug 1st, 4:57 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Neptune: Aug 1st, 5:54 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Pluto: Aug 1st, 10:58 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Mercury: Aug 2nd, 1:56 AM PDT
Sun Square Uranus Aug 2nd, 4:18 AM PDT
See Current Chart