Astrology of Friday, June 14th 2019
June 14, 2019
Astrology of Sunday, June 16th 2019
June 16, 2019The Moon waxes big through Sagittarius today, in a more positive, pro-active place than it was during the past few days. In Sagittarius, the Moon benefits from the presence of Jupiter, also in the Archer’s sign.
Mercury, who is currently in a tight opposition with Saturn and pending conjunction with Mars, conjoins the Dragon’s Head today, making it easy to fall into extremely negative thought patterns. Mercury’s condition also makes it very easy for communications to go sideways. It’s not a good day to schedule important communications or missives.
Nonetheless, the Moon’s opposition to Venus helps smooth a few of the rough edges and Luna’s copresence with Jupiter provides an updraft which we can ride by trying to stay solution focused when problems emerge.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius, 2nd Quarter
Mercury Conjunct Dragon’s Head: Jun 15, 10:57 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Venus: Jun 15, 5:22 PM PDT
See Current Chart