Astrology of Friday, June 7th 2019
June 7, 2019
Astrology of Sunday, June 9th 2019
June 9, 2019The Moon in Leo squares Venus in Taurus during the afternoon, prioritizing pleasure and suggesting a touch of luxury. After completing the square with Venus, the Moon abandons royal Leo for practical, problem-solving Virgo, taking the tone of the day in a more concrete direction.
As the afternoon wears on, Venus calls an end to her time in Taurus, abandoning the Bull’s verdant fields for the Twins changeable winds. Though not as lush as the pastures of Taurus, Venus makes do in Gemini with the joys of language, the fun of games and the pleasure of witty repartee. Venus will be in Gemini until July 3rd.
Evening is decidedly mental, good for thinking and conversing, courtesy of the Moon’s configuration with Uranus and especially Mercury.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo -> Virgo, 1st Quarter
Moon Square Venus: Jun 8, 2:23 PM PDT
Moon Enters Virgo: Jun 8, 2:44 PM PDT
Venus Enters Gemini: Jun 8, 6:36 PM PDT
Moon Trine Uranus: Jun 8, 11:15 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Mercury: Jun 9, 4:32 AM PDT
See Current Chart
1 Comment
This could not have described my day yesterday more accurately! Read this as soon as you posted it, and then kind of forgot about it. Early afternoon was unexpectedly contacted by a friend who was coming in to town for just one night, and made plans for him to come by for a visit. Late afternoon (moon in Virgo) found me cleaning the house for the unexpected visit, and then by 9:30pm CDT (Venus in Gemini). Awesome conversation with he and my husband (both Geminis, and we found out last night, same May 29 birthday). Wasn’t until this morning that I remembered your daily for yesterday and thought of how spot-on it was. Thanks for these – I read with gusto!