Astrology of Friday, March 6th 2020
March 6, 2020
Astrology of Sunday, March 8th 2020
March 8, 2020The waxing Moon in Leo spends the day en route to a late-night opposition with not-quite-direct Mercury in Aquarius, highlighting questions about to be answered, and problems almost solved.
Though the Moon’s aspect with Mercury promises some clarity, the Sun’s all-day conjunction with Neptune makes a considerably blurrier contribution. The Sun-Neptune conjunction illuminates the imaginal at the cost of the literal, facilitating ingress into liminal states but confusing simple facts.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo -> Virgo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Opposite Mercury: Mar 8, 12:09 AM PST
Moon Enters Virgo: Mar 8, 3:43 AM PDT
Sun Conjunct Neptune: Mar 8, 5:22 AM PDT
Daylight Savings Time Begins 2 AM PST 3/8
See Current Chart