Astrology of Saturday, March 7th 2020
March 7, 2020
Astrology of Monday, March 9th 2020
March 9, 2020Electric, restless, revolutionary Uranus and lavish, desirous Venus conjoin today in early Taurus. Together, the pair disrupts pleasure-as-usual, highlights unusual beauty, and catalyzes eruptions of emotional authenticity. It is a good day to audit your desires, and to make sure that what you’re working for is what you actually want.
Though not precisely full until tomorrow, the Moon rises shortly after sunset tonight as full as people in North America will see it. It is an energetic high tide, made all the more vigorous by a late-late night trine with dynamic Mars.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Venus: Mar 8, 9:57 AM PDT
Moon Trine Uranus: Mar 8, 10:08 AM PDT
Venus Conjunct Uranus: Mar 8, 12:37 PM PDT
Moon Trine Mars: Mar 9, 3:46 AM PDT
See Current Chart