Astrology of Friday, May 17th 2019
May 17, 2019
Astrology of Sunday, May 19th 2019
May 19, 2019A fully-loaded Full Moon in Scorpio arrives today, accentuated by the exact conjunction of Venus and Uranus in Taurus. The final bit of garnish is the Sun and Mercury’s close proximity to Caput Algol, a fixed star with a frightening reputation.
This lunation has an emotional range which runs towards the extremes of pleasure and pain, and may deliver some rather intense revelations. Yet not-so-many hours after the Moon’s maximum fullness, it leaves volatile Scorpio and enters excitable Sagittarius. This shift improves the tenor of the night considerably, and will serve to stabilize moods soured by the scorpion’s venom.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Scorpio -> Sagittarius, Full Moon
Moon Sextile Pluto: May 18, 6:07 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Mercury: May 18, 7:29 AM PDT
Venus Conjunct Uranus: May 18, 9:16 AM PDT
Full Moon: May 18, 2:13 PM PDT
Moon Enters Sagittarius: May 18, 6:21 PM PDT
See Current Chart