Astrology of Wednesday, December 18th 2019
December 18, 2019
Astrology of Friday, December 20th 2019
December 20, 2019Thursday begins with the Moon in Libra configured to Jupiter in Capricorn. Jupiter supports the Moon, buttressing the mood with happy facts and good acts. During the latter half of the afternoon, though, Luna gets tangled in the coils of the Dragon, squaring both the Head and Tail before moving on. This brief ensnarement may temporarily confuse or complicate decisions.
Meanwhile, Mercury in Sagittarius spends the day in a square with Neptune in Pisces, serving up daydreams, distractions, and forgetting directions. It’s good for fantasy, myth, and poetry, but not so much for concrete matters.
Late night, Venus enters Aquarius. In the Water-Bearer’s sign, Venus highlights beauty of an unorthodox and heady sort. The songs of rebels and exiles echo throughout this strange gallery, and the works of outsiders and the avant-garde hang upon its walls. Venus in Aquarius’ ambiance can be a bit alienating for those who prefer expected pleasures and who do not like a drop of melancholy in their aesthesis. Venus will be in Aquarius until January 13th.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra, 3rd -> 4th Quarter
Moon Square Jupiter: Dec 19, 8:33 AM PST
Moon Square Head and Tail (North Bending): Dec 19, 4:22 PM PST
Mercury Square Neptune: Dec 19, 8:18 PM PST
Venus Enters Aquarius: Dec 19, 10:41 PM PST
See Current Chart