Astrology of Wednesday, March 4th 2020
March 4, 2020
Astrology of Friday, March 6th 2020
March 6, 2020The Moon in Cancer spends the day making a trio of oppositions to Jupiter, Pluto, and then Saturn in Capricorn. The silver spotlight falls across each of the three in turn, highlighting the opportunities, obstacles, and necessary transformations currently crowding the landscape.
After a long day surveying, the Moon eventually makes it into Leo for a wee-hours meetup with Venus, a moment of excellent fun hid deep within the night.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer -> Leo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Opposite Jupiter: Mar 5, 8:50 AM PST
Moon Opposite Pluto: Mar 5, 3:50 PM PST
Moon Opposite Saturn: Mar 5, 11:05 PM PST
Moon Enters Leo: Mar 6, 1:21 AM PST
Moon Square Venus: Mar 6, 3:53 AM PST
See Current Chart