Astrology of Wednesday, May 15th 2019
May 15, 2019
Astrology of Friday, May 17th 2019
May 17, 2019Pragmatic Mercury in Taurus makes a perfect trine with serious Saturn in Capricorn today. This aspect orients the thinking toward obstacles, but in a productive way. Organize and optimize while the Sun shines.
As the afternoon ages, Luna drifts into Scorpio, and there makes a set of emotionally activating aspects to Mars, Venus, and Uranus. There is room for both upset and enjoyment within the parameters of this afternoon and evening’s configuration. Neutrality, however, is unlikely.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, 2nd Quarter
Moon Enters Scorpio: May 16, 2:26 PM PDT
Mercury Trine Saturn: May 16, 4:08 PM PDT
Moon Trine Mars: May 16, 3:18 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Venus: May 16, 5:46 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Uranus: May 16, 9:05 PM PDT
See Current Chart