Astrology of Wednesday, September 4th 2019
September 4, 2019
Astrology of Friday, September 6th 2019
September 7, 2019Jupiter’s day hosts the Moon’s conjunction with the big planet in Sagittarius, which amplifies confidence and restores big visions. Yet there are plenty of small details to account for. Precise Mercury in Virgo is the hinge between obstacle and excellence today. The agile planet makes perfect aspects to both leaden Saturn and expansive Jupiter today. The road to victory lies before us, but it is not without blockages and bumps. The issues that arise will tend to be of a technical nature, so remember to bring your tool kit. Though it has some wrinkles, it is nonetheless a very well-omened day.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius, 2nd -> 3rd Quarter
Mercury Trine Saturn: Sep 5, 5:37 AM PDT
Moon Square Mars: Sep 5, 5:48 PM PDT
Moon Square Sun: Sep 5 2019 8:13 PM PDT
Mercury Square Jupiter: Sep 6, 12:11 AM PDT
Moon Square Mercury: Sep 6, 12:14 AM PDT
Moon Conjunct Jupiter: Sep 6, 12:23 AM PDT
Moon Square Neptune: Sep 6, 3:57 AM PDT
See Current Chart