Astrology of Monday, April 22nd 2019
April 22, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, April 24th 2019
April 24, 2019Tuesday starts on a fine note, with the Moon in Sagittarius fresh off a conjunction with buoyant Jupiter in Sagittarius. Late afternoon, however, sees the Moon slide into Capricorn. From there, the Moon rumbles through the evening with a trine to conjoined Sun and Uranus in Taurus, spotlighting the necessity of adapting effectively to disruptions. Though some may find themselves having to make big moves, the right shift for most people will look be low-key and practical, but powerful, innovations. Late night, the Moon squares conjoined Venus in Aries, generating a short burst of rowdiness.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius -> Capricorn, 3rd Quarter
Venus Conjunct Chiron: Apr 23, 9:54 AM PDT
Moon Enters Capricorn: Apr 23, 3:50 PM PDT
Moon Trine Uranus: Apr 23, 8:48 PM PDT
Moon Trine Sun: Apr 23, 11:05 PM PDT
Moon Square Venus: Apr 24, 12:16 AM PDT
See Current Chart