Astrology of Monday, August 19th 2019
August 19, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, August 21st 2019
August 21, 2019The Moon in Aries spends most of Tuesday in a fine trine with the Sun and Venus in Leo, lending the day warmth, purpose, and maybe just a bit of pleasure. These good day vibes are further supported by the perfect trine between Mercury in Leo and Jupiter in Sagittarius, which pulls us into a positive and sagacious frame of mind.
Night changes things, moving planets from bright fire to solid earth. The Moon plods into steady Taurus and spends the dark hours in a trine with practical but worry-prone Mars in Virgo. a bit later, Venus changes signs, forsaking sunny Leo for prudent Virgo.
In Virgo, Venus finds joy in the concrete details of the finely created, and runs quality control with shoddily produced pleasures. This desire for flawlessness can, however, lead to a deep dissatisfaction with anything not approaching perfection. This is a great trap, and it is because of this snare that Venus is in its Fall in Virgo. Do not make the perfect the enemy of the good. Venus will be in Virgo until September 14th.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries -> Taurus, 3rd Quarter
Moon Trine Sun: Aug 20, 4:59 PM PDT
Moon Trine Venus: Aug 20, 9:03 PM PDT
Moon Enters Taurus: Aug 20, 9:35 PM PDT
Moon Trine Mars: Aug 21, 1:28 AM PDT
Venus Enters Virgo: Aug 21, 2:06 AM PDT
Mercury Trine Jupiter: Aug 21, 3:03 AM PDT
See Current Chart