Astrology of Monday, August 26th 2019
August 26, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, August 28th 2019
August 28, 2019The Moon wanders the late degrees of Cancer today, seeking satisfaction and comfort. Comfort is an unlikely find, but satisfaction in measurable accomplishment is, courtesy of Mars in practical Virgo’s perfect trine to pattern-breaking, earth-moving Uranus in Taurus.
As the day edges toward night, Luna emerges from the Crab’s shell as a Lion cub. This shifts the energetic tide from foundation to expression, and attitudes from intro- to extro- verted. The Moon’s late-night prowl of Leo is charged by Uranus, opens the way for small, out-of-the-ordinary moments.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer -> Leo, 4th Quarter
Moon Enters Leo: Aug 27, 4:53 PM PDT
Moon Square Uranus: Aug 28, 3:24 AM PDT
Mars Trine Uranus: Aug 28, 3:52 AM PDT
See Current Chart