Astrology of Monday, February 24th 2020
February 24, 2020
Astrology of Wednesday, February 26th 2020
February 26, 2020Tuesday possesses suitably martial skies. Though the Moon begins the day in watery Pisces, a mid-day shift into Aries hits the ambiance with a little Texas-style dry heat. The day proceeds from here in a directed, but frictive, manner. For a variety of reasons, today is better for pursuing solitary aspirations than cooperative activities.
Mars is conjunct the South Node of the Moon today, the Dragon’s Tail, and their pairing layers physical, emotional, and spiritual heat atop each other. There is a purgative quality to this fire that can be useful, but is dangerous when taken to an extreme.
Meanwhile, retrograde Mercury conjoins the Sun today, firing a clarifying beam at the evening. This cazimi point is the eye of the Mercury retro storm, and provides a window in which to assess matters. As Mercury leaves this eye, it aspects Mars and the Tail immediately, pointing directly at problems in need of purgation.
Evening intensifies the martial heat by putting the Moon in a perfect square with Mars and the Tail. Anti-inflammatory measures in form or another may be useful.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Pisces -> Aries, 1st Quarter
Moon Enters Aries: Feb 25, 10:47 AM PST
Mars Conjunct Dragon’s Tail: Feb 25, 11:07 AM PST
Mercury Conjunct Sun: Feb 25, 5:44 PM PST
Mercury Sextile Mars: Feb 25, 9:58 PM PST
Moon Square Nodal Axis (South Bending): Feb 25, 11:33 PM PST
Moon Square Mars: Feb 26, 12:32 AM PST
See Current Chart