[The Astrology Podcast] July Forecast
July 1, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, July 3rd 2019
July 3, 2019The solar eclipse in Cancer arrives today. Though it will only be visible in the South Pacific and in South America, its effects reach far and wide. This stained lunation occurs atop the North Node, the Dragon’s Head, and helps to answer the question posed by the last solar eclipse, which occurred in early January. January’s eclipse asked for emptiness, and demanded clearing. The eclipse that occurs today shows the new desires destined to fill that space. It opens a portal through which a host of possibilities and ambitions pour. This disorganized psychic torrent may be what is needed, but it threatens to inundate us. Occurring, as it does, in emotional Cancer, there is a strong feeling component which can easily eclipse the thought process.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer, Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse Jul 2, 12:22 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Caput Draconis: Jul 2, 11:51 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Saturn: Jul 2, 11:58 PM PDT
Moon Trine Neptune: Jul 3, 1:36 AM PDT
See Current Chart