Astrology of Tuesday, August 27th 2019
August 27, 2019
Astrology of Thursday, August 29th 2019
August 29, 2019Wednesday has strong, simple, and fortunate features. The bright Moon in Leo’s only aspect today is a harmonious trine with uplifting Jupiter in Sagittarius. The Moon’s deep wane makes it imperfectly omened for bold new undertakings, but it is an excellent day to schedule important steps in ongoing processes.
Late night, after both children and parents are asleep, Mercury enters Virgo. Mercury is exalted in the Virgin’s sign, and makes for efficient communications, careful thinking and accurate data. The Messenger’s time in Virgo is good for works of articulation and scholarship, as well as anything which requires care and precision. Mercury’s movement into Virgo is especially important this year, because the Sun, Venus, and Mars are all dependent on the clever one’s analysis. The way is lined with verified facts and careful analysis for now. Follow the swift but articulate steps of the Messenger until September 14th, when Mercury enters Libra.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo, 4th Quarter
Moon Trine Jupiter: Aug 28, 5:06 PM PDT
Mercury Enters Virgo: Aug 29, 12:47 AM PDT
See Current Chart