Astrology of Tuesday, July 14th 2020
July 14, 2020
Astrology of Thursday, July 16th 2020
July 16, 2020An interesting configuration takes shape in Wednesday’s skies. The Moon in Taurus mediates between the Sun in Cancer’s ongoing opposition to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. The theme here is the structural problems of the present, and the potential fixes for them. It is worth noting that in Capricorn, both Saturn and Pluto point to structural issues, but of widely varying timescales and depth. Pluto hasn’t been to these degrees in over 200 years, while Saturn is making an every 30-year inspection. Though the decade and century deep problems currently coincide, they are worth separating, as the useful adaptations or solutions to each likely require different strategies.
Though these hard, architectural issues dominate the day, come late night the Moon escapes into fast and friendly Gemini, pushing on to lighter, quicker topics.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Taurus -> Gemini, 4th Quarter
Moon Trine Jupiter: Jul 15th, 6:53 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Sun: Jul 15th, 9:47 AM PDT
Moon Trine Pluto: Jul 15th, 9:57 AM PDT
Sun Opposite Pluto: Jul 15th, 12:12 PM PDT
Moon Trine Saturn: Jul 15th, 8:19 PM PDT
Moon Enters Gemini: Jul 15th, 10:17 PM PDT
See Current Chart