Astrology of Tuesday, July 23rd 2019
July 25, 2019
Astrology of Friday, July 26th 2019
July 26, 2019The Moon in Aries spends the morning configured to both Mercury and Venus, which conjoin today in late Cancer. The Mercury-Venus conjunction pulls together the heart and mind, wrapping thoughts around feelings, mapping the place we’ve come to in a way we just might be able to put into words. After the last couple months, the processing this conjunction entails may be quite necessary.
During the afternoon, the Moon moves into Taurus, settling the pace of the day into a sustainable stroll which takes us well into the evening. As the night deepens, a waning half-Moon rises, signaling our entry into the falling action of the 4th quarter of the lunar month. Finally, late night, the Moon conjoins Uranus, sending subtle tremors through the soil and seeding dreams with revelations.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries -> Taurus, 3rd -> 4th Quarter
Moon Square Venus: Jul 24, 6:08 AM PDT
Moon Square Mercury: Jul 24, 7:45 AM PDT
Moon Enters Taurus: Jul 24, 2:40 PM PDT
Mercury Conjunct Venus: Jul 24, 5:27 PM PDT
Moon Square Sun: Jul 24, 6:17 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Uranus: Jul 25, 3:11 AM PDT
See Current Chart