Astrology of Tuesday, November 12th 2019
November 12, 2019
Astrology of Thursday, November 14th 2019
November 14, 2019Being the day of Mercury, with the Moon in one of Mercury’s signs, the work and re-work of Mercury retrograde is of primary concern today. The backwards-walking planet makes a pair of perfect aspects with hardline Saturn and dreaming Neptune today, pulling thinking toward the relationship between real-world obligations and the soul’s necessities. Such considerations are lent an iota of extra depth by the Sun in Scorpio’s sextile with depth-revealing Pluto.
Mercury confers with Saturn first, during the morning, and then Neptune later, during the afternoon. We are more likely to explore questions than solve them right now, but today’s queries are the raw materia from which tomorrow’s solutions are made.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Gemini, 3rd Quarter
Mercury Sextile Saturn: Nov 13, 6:36 AM PST
Sun Sextile Pluto: Nov 13, 10:00 AM PST
Mercury Trine Neptune: Nov 13, 2:37 PM PST
See Current Chart