Astrology of Tuesday, September 4th 2018
September 4, 2018
Astrology of Thursday, September 6th 2018
September 6, 2018The Moon in Cancer completes a lovely Grand Water Trine with Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces during the morning. This is a flowing, harmonious configuration which buoys the first portion of Wednesday. These waters then carry us in to the Moon’s opposition with Pluto, which adds a note of perhaps-unsettling depth which resonates with the bass rumble emanating from Saturn’s direct station. Retrograde since April 17th, Saturn turns around with slow certainty, ready to begin an eight month march forward.
Around sunset, Mercury enters Virgo. Mercury is exalted in the Virgin’s sign, and makes for efficient communications, careful thinking and accurate data assessment. The Messenger’s time in Virgo is good for works of communication and scholarship, as well as anything which requires both care and precision.
This year, Mercury shares Virgo with the Sun, meaning that the swift planet will be on the far side of the Sun from the Earth, it’s apogee. This phase has a special emphasis on the clarification and purification of the Mercurial. As it occurs in Virgo, it is an especially good time to clean out not just your room, but your thinking. Mercury will be in Virgo until September 21st.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer, 4th Quarter
Moon Trine Neptune: Sep 05 2018 6:22 AM
Moon Trine Jupiter: Sep 05 2018 10:52 AM
Moon Opposite Pluto: Sep 05 2018 12:39 PM
Mercury Enters Virgo: Sep 05 2018 7:37 PM
Saturn Stations Direct: Sep 06 2018 4:09 AM
Moon Square Venus: Sep 06 2018 3:17 AM
Moon Opposite Mars: Sep 06 2018 5:40 AM
See Current Chart