Astrology of Friday, August 11th
August 10, 2017
Astrology of Sunday, August 13th
August 12, 2017Hold on to your passwords, friends and neighbors— Mercury stations retrograde today at 11 Virgo. Mercury turns retrograde just before completing an opposition with Neptune, suggesting that there is some illusion which cannot be unraveled before making a backward journey into and through the underworld. This voyage will see Hermes find rich veins of data concealed deep within cognitive caverns. Though there is much of value to be mined and refined, the tunnels which lead to these caches twist and wind chaotically, potentiating a variety of confusions. We will walk this turning path with Mercury until the planet’s direct station on September 5th.
What dis-order is signified by Mercury’s station today is amplified by the Moon’s late-night conjunction with Uranus in Aries, whose effect spans the second half of the day. Surprises, reversals and delays abound.
Astrology of August 8th – 22nd
Moon in Aries, (Revati -> Ashwini), 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Pluto: Aug 12 2017 5:24 AM
Moon Opposite Jupiter: Aug 12 2017 7:45 AM
Moon Trine Sun: Aug 12 2017 10:24 AM
Moon Enters Ashwini: Aug 12 2017 4:36 PM
Mercury Stationary Retrograde: Aug 12 2017 6:01 PM
Moon Conjunct Uranus: Aug 13 2017 12:58 AM
Moon Enters Taurus: Aug 13 2017 3:36 AM
See Current Chart