Astrology of Friday, February 24th
February 23, 2017
Astrology of Sunday, February 26th
February 25, 2017The day begins with an orderly sextile between the Moon and Saturn. Yet things are due to slide away from their structured beginning, as both Mercury and then the Moon enter Pisces during the second half of the day. Mercury is considered to have a difficult time in Pisces, as the psychedelic seas of the Fishes’ sign tend to bend straight lines into spirals, making the simple more challenging than it ought to be. Mercury will be in Pisces until March 13th.
No Moon rises Saturday night. Luna will spend it hiding and preparing, like a bride in black, for Sunday’s solar eclipse.
February Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Aquarius -> Pisces, 4th Quarter
Moon Sextile Saturn: Feb 25, 10:08 AM
Mercury Enters Pisces: Feb 25, 3:06 PM
Moon Enters Pisces: Feb 25, 4:23 PM
Moon Conjunct Mercury: Feb 25, 4:34 PM
Moon Conjunct South Node: Feb 25, 10:24 PM
See Current Chart