Astrology of Friday, June 23rd
June 22, 2017
Astrology of Sunday, June 25th
June 24, 2017The first day of the new lunar cycle makes the emotional challenges it will bring clear. The Moon conjoins Mars in Cancer mid-day, just as Mars perfects a square to Jupiter in Libra. The game here is to keep troubled emotions and connections from ruining the positive potentials offered by Jupiter. One of the difficulties here is that whatever anger or hurt Mars in Cancer brings up tends to be the kind held close to the vest, or perhaps inside it, making it difficult to get at and remediate the source of pain or unhappiness. Be patient with others’ moods, and try to extend the same favor to yourself.
Astrology of June Essay
Moon in Cancer, 1st Quarter
Moon conjunct Mars: Jun 24 2017 12:11 PM
Moon Square Jupiter: Jun 24 2017 12:38 PM
Moon Trine Neptune: Jun 24 2017 1:43 PM
Mars Square Jupiter: Jun 24 2017 11:06 PM
Moon Opposite Pluto: Jun 24 2017 8:31 PM
Moon Sextile Venus: Jun 24 2017 9:59 PM
See Current Chart
1 Comment
I so enjoy your writing, Austin. Today at 10:21 pm EDT is my Solar Return. My birth chart has Aquarius rising and Sun-Mars-Uranus in Cancer. This SR chart has Aquarius rising, and Sun-Moon-Mercury-Mars all in Cancer 6th with Moon exactly opposite Pluto. An interesting year, methinks. Emotional spelunking? I’m well-acquainted with that Mars in Cancer, Jekyll and Hyde thing. “One of the difficulties here is that whatever anger or hurt Mars in Cancer brings up tends to be the kind held close to the vest, or perhaps inside it…” Ya think?! Sigh…