Astrology of Saturday, April 8th
April 7, 2017
Astrology of Monday, April 10th
April 9, 2017Sunday begins with the Moon’s ingress into Libra, blowing a lungful of fresh air into the ether. Saturday’s complications may still be present, but less immediately so. The Moon in the Scale’s sign tasks us with balance, which is somewhere between criticism and affirmation, depression and ecstasy. The importance of equilibrium is especially foregrounded by the fact that the Moon has gotten so big, so silver, so ripe, that she’ll be completely Full in but a day.
While the almost-Full Moon in Libra spotlights both sides of the coin, Mercury stations retrograde. The tricksy planet turns on its heel at 4’49” Taurus, with plans to walk backward until May 3rd. Retrograde Mercury shuns the highway for the backroad, and the front door for the secret entrance. Take the scenic route, and don’t forget to stop and eat the mushrooms along the way.
April Essay
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 2nd Quarter
Moon Enters Libra: Apr 09 2017 5:36 AM
Mercury Stations Retrograde: Apr 09 2017 4:15 PM
See Current Chart