Astrology of Saturday, August 5th
August 4, 2017
Astrology of Monday, August 7th
August 6, 2017The Moon enters Aquarius early on Sunday. Like Saturday, the Moon makes no aspects until very late at night. Though the Moon does not complete its opposition with Mars until the wee hours, it wells with lunar power, being just shy of full. The opposition with Mars inflames the night air, threatening to ignite conflicts.
There is also the fact that Sunday night sees a Moon only hours from being eclipsed. There is thus a note of additional depth, and perhaps oddness, to Sunday night. Though the Moon is not perfectly Full on the 7th, Sunday night is the fullest Moon that those living in the Americas will see.
Astrology of August 2nd – 11th
Moon in Aquarius (Uttara Ashadha -> Abhijit -> Shravana), 2nd Quarter
Moon enters Aquarius: Aug 06 2017 5:12 AM
Moon Enters Shravana: Aug 06 2017 12:25 PM
Moon Opposite Mars: Aug 07 2017 3:38 AM
See Current Chart