Astrology of Wednesday, November 29th
November 29, 2017
Astrology of Friday, December 1st
November 30, 2017The last day of November begins with the Moon in Aries trine with both Mercury and Saturn, highlighting responsibilities, as well as the questions surrounding them. Mid-day, the Moon ambles into steady Taurus, helping to stabilize the rest of the day, which is fortunate, as Mars and Uranus complete their opposition today, an explosive and contentious influence. Stay grounded, and keep your skin thick, as the air will be thick with shrieks and booms as people set off their little bottle-rockets of discontent. After most of the day has vanished, Venus sneaks into Sagittarius, trading the gothic stylings of Scorpio for a huntress’ cap and bow. It is not beasts she hunts in Sagittarius, but excitement and glory. As Venus moves, so moves the sphere of ambient pleasures. Venus in Sagittarius revels in epic tones, the spectacle of suprahuman excellence and action-packed aesthetics. Her ride through the sign wakes sleeping spirits and kindles their fire. Venus will be in Sagittarius until December 24th.
Astrology of Nov 22nd – Dec 1st
Moon in Aries -> Taurus, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Saturn: Nov 30 2017 8:44 AM
Moon Trine Mercury: Nov 30 2017 10:31 AM
Moon Enters Taurus: Nov 30 2017 12:35 PM
Venus Enters Sagittarius: Dec 01 2017 1:13 AM
Mars Opposite Uranus: Dec 01 2017 2:05 AM
See Current Chart