Astrology of Monday, February 20th
February 19, 2017
Astrology of Wednesday, February 22nd
February 21, 2017Tuesday presents an odd and not entirely harmonious assortment of aspects. Mercury in Aquarius makes an optimistic trine to Jupiter in Libra, yet at the same time the Sun conjoins the Dragon’s Tail in Pisces, which casts the Sun’s light into unsettling psychological and metaphysical depths. Meanwhile, formidable Mars in Aries squares gloomy Pluto in Capricorn, which problematizes power dynamics, and may kindle hidden resentments. Today’s aspects are a grab-bag, and different people are likely to experience the tone as being dominated by one or another of these themes.
February Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Capricorn, 4th Quarter
Mercury Trine Jupiter: Feb 21, 10:26 AM
Sun Conjunct South Node: Feb 21, 12:12 PM
Moon Square Venus: Feb 21, 9:05 PM
Moon Sextile Neptune: Feb 21, 9:32 PM
Mars Square Pluto: Feb 22, 1:02 AM
See Current Chart
Thank you, dear Austin. Your daily reads are well received. Please know your efforts are greater than you imagine, as it is relevant to know what is present and immediate, for reference of cycles of time — easier access for success, in material plane.
As an elder Astrologer, I find your insight refreshing, though not always in agreement. Capricorn Sun with Pluto right on my degree is long-lasting and deep rooted. What I like is that even though this dangerous time is true, the insight, deeper problem solving ability, and seeing beyond appearance has brought Pluto into a Sherlock Holmes affect — very protective against hidden dangers — bringing serious problems into visible solutions and workable venues. In other words, seeing is believing — having glasses (Plutonian) that see deeper that what would be available is really a life saving tool, to adhere to. That is why I love Pluto on my Sun, like a Spiritual Warrior defending me against the invisible (yet sensed) enemy. Whether this enemy is from within or more often external, Pluto does equip one with strength beyond one’s own belief. This increases and brings forth what is necessary in order to combat evil.
In my humble, outspoken opinion, actually.
Thank you for reading my elongated read. Have a beautiful California Day. My home town is Venice Beach, though I traveled and lived in San Francisco. Now settled in Bean-Town, Massachusetts (Boston area) though will once again see Pacific Ocean.
Good Luck!
To be fair, I don’t always agree with me either, so thank you for offering another experience of Pluto.