Astrology of Monday, May 15th
May 15, 2017
Astrology of Wednesday, May 17th
May 16, 2017The Moon finishes the late degrees of Capricorn early in the day, and then rides a cloud up into the fixed sky of Aquarius, from which Luna will survey the next several days. Shortly after her ingress into sign of the Water Bearer, the Moon squares Mercury in Taurus, who can be seen counting crops and collecting milk in the fields below. The day is thus a combination of pulls toward daily labor, and contemplation.
There is no further celestial action on Tuesday, just the Moon waning through Aquarius, lightly dusting the earth below.
Astrology of May Essay
Moon in Capricorn – Aquarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Enters Aquarius: May 16 2017 10:48 AM
Moon Square Mercury: May 16 2017 11:54 AM
See Current Chart