Astrology of Monday, September 18th
September 17, 2017
Astrology of Wednesday, September 20th
September 19, 2017The New Moon occurs today at 27 Virgo. This end and beginning of the lunar cycle asks us to consider legacies and consequences— what people’s actions leave for those which follow in their wake. As this New Moon occurs so close to the equinox, you may want to use it as a retrospective to look back at the season now passing away, and consider which fruit ripened and which soured over the quarter now passing away.
Not willing to be left out, Venus enters Virgo today, joining the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars. Venus is exacting, precise and critical in Virgo, which may result in both the perfection of form, as well as the agony of perfectionism. The eye for detail which Venus acquires in Virgo is a double-edge gift, for while it pushes toward excellence in craft and service toward the beloved, it also threatens to toss babies out with bathwater and to condemn entire forests for the fault of single trees. Venus will be in Virgo until October 14th.
While the rare abundance of planets in Virgo hope for order, clarity and facts, Mercury’s exact opposition to Neptune today may make certainty and order somewhat more elusive than they might seem.
Astrology of Sep 13th – 22nd
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, New Moon
Moon Square Saturn: Sep 19 2017 12:12 PM
Venus Enters Virgo: Sep 19 2017 6:14 PM
Mercury Opposite Neptune: Sep 19 2017 8:48 PM
New Moon in Virgo: Sep 19 2017 10:31 PM
Moon Enters Libra: Sep 20 2017 3:10 AM
See Current Chart
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