Astrology Sep 2nd – 12th (♍️II): Vision and Craft
September 5, 2017
Astrology of Wednesday, September 6th
September 6, 2017A big day. Mercury stations direct around dawn, ending the rather extended and somewhat excruciating retrograde. Of additional interest is the fact that Mercury’s direction station is in the same degree in which the solar eclipse occurred. The suggestion is, then, that Mercury has come back to clarify the potent but potentially obscure signal sent earthward two weeks ago. Further insight into matters of identity, self-representation, and strength are likely to abound.
While Mercury’s station may dominate the day, the night belongs to the Full Moon in Pisces. This fat and silver Full Moon is the first since July which has not gone eclipsed, offering us a way out of the dark tunnel the eclipses opened. This Full Moon in Pisces also has the distinction of being conjoined Neptune, which magnifies the imaginal quality of the Fishes’ sign. This Moon’s rays are liquid and thick with visions, which like acid eat away at the boundary between waking and dreaming. It is a fine full Moon for altered states and fantasy-land vacations.
Astrology of Sep 2nd – 12th
Moon in Pisces, Full Moon
Mercury Stations Direct: Sep 05 2017 4:30 AM
Full Moon in Pisces: Sep 06 2017 12:00 AM
See Current Chart