Astrology of Tuesday, June 13th
June 12, 2017
Astrology of Thursday, June 15th
June 14, 2017The Sun and Saturn oppose perfectly today, and the Moon attends faithfully to them both. Saturn will rise in the east at sunset, its brightest light falling upon the structure of responsibilities, commitments and limitations. Though some may find this sight depressing, it is a gift, for it makes clear the state of things and the work yet to be done.
Though it may be tempting, this is not a moment for self-judgment or disappointment about progress as-yet unrealized. Saturn does not watch over quick or simple works, but those which require labor and patience. Give your projects, and self, the time they truly require.
Astrology of June Essay
Moon in Aquarius -> Pisces, 3rd Quarter
Moon Trine Sun: Jun 14 2017 3:52 PM
Moon Sextile Saturn: Jun 14 2017 4:48 PM
Moon Conjunct South Node: Jun 14 2017 7:38 PM
Moon Sextile Uranus: Jun 14 2017 10:37 PM
Sun Opposite Saturn: Jun 15 2017 3:17 AM
Moon Enters Pisces: Jun 15 2017 3:13 AM
See Current Chart
1 Comment
Totally felt Saturn when I woke up this morning. Hard for me to kneel and bow down to this relentless god; even though he is Master of my Nativity…..just sayin……….