Two Astrologies, Six Strengths Single Presentation
June 5, 2024Saturn’s Chosen: Mahapurusha, Melancholia, and the Spirit of Gravity Single Presentation
The overwhelmingly Saturnian nativity is not usually described in heroic terms. Yet further investigation reveals beautiful struggles with titanic and inevitable Saturnian forces. In order to restore the heroic to our understanding of Saturn, we will explore the sasha mahapurusha yoga, as well as the nativities of Marsilio Ficino, who waged a campaign against melancholia, sickness, and old age, and that of Frederich Nietzsche, who in his refusal to submit to nihilism declared the spirit of gravity itself his nemesis.
What you get: Three MP4 download links, amounting to a 1-hour and 15-minute Workshop recorded live in audio and video format. Files are instantly available to download after purchase from the My Account section.
Cost: $33
It takes time to get to the quality that Coppock always creates in his lectures, and they are treasure troves that the planets LOVE when you use them as mitigations for transits. Saturn literally got the feels over this one, and had like an honorable cry or something and felt seen in an appreciating way. A good Saturn moment is definitely worth the experience. So, thank you, Dr. Coppock, for this batch of lectures that truly is medicine for our time, even on Saturn’s watch. 🙏
Austin presents any astrology subject with mastery and depth. I love the sense of humor and the historical contexts.The challenge of this presentation that it is really hard to hear the presentation clearly because of the background noise. I wish it could be edited in a way to make the sound clearer and Austin’s words easier to understand.