Year of the Fire Rooster: Feathery Inferno
January 23, 2017
Wednesday, January 25th
January 24, 2017Tuesday begins with an inflammatory square between the Moon in Sagittarius and Mars in Pisces, seeding the first portion of the day with irritations.
Later, the Moon leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn, a business-like, if somewhat uncomfortable, position. Beneath the pragmatic crust of the Capricorn Moon, though, Venus completes a conjunction with the tiny planetoid Chiron. The scars on your heart might itch a bit, and you may reflect on love lost or denied. Though not necessarily what one might call a pleasant aspect, Venus’ conjunction to Chiron can help facilitate therapies of various sorts.
Read the Monthly Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Sagittarius -> Capricorn, 4th Quarter
Moon Square Mars: Jan 24, 9:31 AM
Moon Enters Capricorn: Jan 24, 2:42 PM
Venus Conjunct Chiron: Jan 24, 10:49 PM
See Current Chart