Astrology of Thursday, December 14th
December 13, 2017
Astrology of Saturday, December 16th
December 15, 2017Retrograde Mercury conjoins Venus in Sagittarius today, bringing the heart and mind together for a brief conference. This conjunctio helps bring coherence to the adjustments which Mercury’s retrograde has brought, and may also serve as a temporary boost to creative work. In addition to Mercury conjoining Venus, today the Sun in Sagittarius perfects a trine with Uranus in Aries, which laces the air with a taste of lightning, enabling breakthroughs and catalyzing perspective shifts.
Astrology of Dec 11th – 21st
Moon in Scorpio -> Sagittarius, 4th Quarter
Mercury Conjunct Venus: Dec 15 2017 6:09 AM
Moon Enters Sagittarius: Dec 15 2017 5:07 PM
Sun Trine Uranus: Dec 16 2017 3:27 AM
See Current Chart