Astrology of Thursday, March 16th
March 16, 2017
Astrology of Saturday, March 18th
March 18, 2017Friday sees the Sun in Pisces make a perfect square with Saturn in Sagittarius. Here the light of the Sun can be occluded by the density of limitation and obligations. It is a call for patience and endurance, and may require wards against depression.
Come evening, the Moon enters Sagittarius, lifting the tone a bit, for the archer’s gaze fixes on worthy targets, not objects of melancholy. Nonetheless, the Moon is lightly troubled by a latenight square to the Head and Tail of the Dragon, whose brief undertow may momentarily confuse or dissatisfy.
March Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Scorpio -> Sagittarius, 3rd Quarter
Sun Square Saturn: Mar 17 2017 2:47 PM
Moon Trine Sun: Mar 17 2017 2:55 PM
Moon Enters Sagittarius: Mar 17 2017 7:59 PM
Moon Square Nodal Axis: Mar 18 2017 2:13 AM
See Current Chart