A total Solar Eclipse occurs today at 28 Leo. The Eclipse will be visible over much of the continental United States, and is the most prominent member of the Leo-Aquarius series which is due to run until early 2019. As I wrote of it in “Bright Masks and Dark Mirrors:”
This Eclipse, in particular, suggests significant shifts of identity. The dragon which devours the Sun and the Moon is also the dragon which, like a snake, sheds its skin to begin anew. Individual scales fall from the sky, and upon inspection are found to be a million theatre masks. So too do masks fall from faces, prompting their owners seek mirrors, only to find the primal void, the black mirror from which identity emerges and to which it returns. If you catch such a glimpse of yourself, fear not. Instead remember that only an immense emptiness, a huge open-ness, such as this could possibly contain all of your permutations. If it has come time to trade one mask or costume for another, then so be it. You have taken on and shed skin many times before, and with each transformation emerged renewed. For you are a being whole and complete, with a gallery of masks that encompass every possible expression. 10,001 skins are necessary to cover your entire expanse, for your variations are a world unto themselves. So wander the immensity of your wardrobe, and let yourself be costumed properly for whatever drama, comedy or adventure comes next.
Astrology of August 8th – 22nd
Moon in Leo -> Virgo (Magha -> Purva Phalguni), Solar Eclipse
Moon Trine Uranus: Aug 21 2017 10:42 AM
Total Solar Eclipse: Aug 21 2017 11:24 AM
Moon Enters Virgo: Aug 21 2017 1:27 PM
Moon Conjunct Mercury: Aug 22 2017 2:43 AM
Moon Enters Purva Phalguni: Aug 22 2017 1:33 AM
See Current Chart