Astrology of Sunday, February 2nd 2020
February 2, 2020
Astrology of Tuesday, February 4th 2020
February 4, 2020The Moon moves through Gemini today. With Luna in a Mercury-ruled sign, the quality of the day’s motion is telling as to the how Mercury’s very recent move into Pisces will affect things. Though not retrograde for another two weeks, Mercury is impeded by being in the sign of its Fall, and thus Mercury-related issues, such as scheduling and communication, may start an indicative slide.
Though the Moon makes no exact aspects today, Venus and Saturn do complete a sextile, giving the day a slightly melancholic quality and turning thoughts toward the importance of boundaries within relationships.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Gemini, 2nd Quarter
Venus Sextile Saturn: Feb 3, 2:01 PM
See Current Chart
1 Comment
Hello Austin, Grateful as always for your excellent astro-poems, and just to let you know I think the wrong one got sent out today to email lists?