[The Astrology Podcast] February Forecast
February 1, 2020
Astrology of Monday, February 3rd 2020
February 3, 2020The Moon spends the day configured to both hard and soft powers. On one hand is a trine to ease-producing Venus in Pisces, and on the other, a pair of trines to daunting Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Meet your obligations, but at a leisurely pace.
Night begins on a slightly grumpy Saturnian note, but becomes progressively lighter and chattier, courtesy of the Moon’s aspect with Mercury and subsequent move into jibber-jabbing Gemini.
Mercury, too, makes an ingress tonight, slipping into Pisces during the wee hours. Mercury’s time in Pisces opens the mind to vast oceans of awareness– the big picture. However, this encompassing perspective makes it easy to overlook important details. Mercury is considered to have a difficult time in the watery sign, as it is more predisposed to poetry than precision. In practice, Mercury’s time in Pisces can be quite helpful when directed toward imaginative works, although pursuits requiring diligence and rigor may suffer
Mercury has an extended scuba trip through Pisces planned this year. Mercury will swim with the Fishes from now until March 4th and then again from March 16th until April 10th. There is, of course, a retrograde thrown in, which spans the time between February 16th and March 9th.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Taurus -> Gemini, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Pluto: Feb 2, 2:53 PM
Moon Sextile Venus: Feb 2, 4:31 PM
Moon Trine Saturn: Feb 2, 6:22 PM
Moon Square Mercury: Feb 3, 3:22 AM
Moon Enters Gemini: Feb 3, 3:24 AM
Mercury Enters Pisces: Feb 3, 3:38 AM
See Current Chart