Astrology of Sunday, January 26th 2020
January 26, 2020
Astrology of Tuesday, January 28th 2020
January 28, 2020Venus and Neptune conjoin in Pisces today. This is a dreamy, luxurious configuration, a slow whirlpool of narcotic fantasy and aesthetic delight. However, it is not just Venus that aspects Neptune. Mars completes a square to the other blue planet, adding intensity to the motion of the ocean. Like yesterday, there is a mixture of harmony and strife afoot. The outcomes of these dynamics are uncertain, as the fire may boil away the water, but so too may the water put out the fire.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Pisces, 1st Quarter
Venus Conjunct Neptune: Jan 27, 12:00 PM
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Jan 27, 5:12 PM
Moon Square Mars: Jan 28, 1:31 AM
Moon Conjunct Neptune: Jan 28, 1:35 AM
Mars Square Neptune: Jan 28, 2:33 AM
Moon Conjunct Venus: Jan 28, 3:03 AM
See Current Chart