Astrology of Sunday, June 9th 2019
June 9, 2019
Astrology of Tuesday, June 11th 2019
June 11, 2019The Sun completes its opposition with Jupiter today. The Sun opposes Jupiter once a year. This is the brightest moment for Jupiter, and at this time the planet rises at sunset, like the Full Moon. It is the mid-point of Jupiter’s annual retrograde, and thus a time to consider the gains we’ve made over the last months, as well as those we hope to have achieved by the time the Sun and Jupiter conjoin again 6 months from now. We are mid-stream, as far as the yearly Jupiter cycle is concerned. You may find you need to correct good things threatening to go sideways in order to preserve desired outcomes.
There is no other planetary action during the first potion of the day, but as the Sun approaches the Western horizon, the Moon enters Libra and trines Venus, moving the evening in a more playful, leisurely direction.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 2nd Quarter
Sun Opposite Jupiter: Jun 10, 8:27 AM PDT
Moon Enters Libra: Jun 10, 5:28 PM PDT
Moon Trine Venus: Jun 10, 9:54 PM PDT
See Current Chart