Astrology of Friday, June 21st 2019
June 21, 2019
Astrology of Tuesday, June 25th 2019
June 25, 2019Monday’s day hours are dominated by the Moon in Pisces’ trines to Mars and then Mercury. Things begin with the Moon’s aspect to Mars, making motivation levels unreliable, and threatening to sour to sour a few moods. The best course of action is to pick a course of action and stick with it. As the day continues, Luna’s focus shifts from Mars to Mercury, giving the afternoon an increasingly chatty quality. Important communiques are better placed here than during the morning.
Around sunset, the Moon enters Aries, putting us on a more terrestrial, straightforward track for the next few days. The half-Moon perfects a square to the Sun in Cancer late-late night, ushering us into the falling action of the 4th quarter of the lunar month.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Pisces -> Aries, 3rd -> 4th Quarter
Moon Trine Mars: Jun 24, 10:19 AM PDT
Moon Trine Mercury: Jun 24, 4:10 PM PDT
Moon Enters Aries: Jun 24, 7:36 PM PDT
Moon Square Sun: Jun 25, 2:44 AM PDT
See Current Chart