Astrology of Friday, April 26th 2019
April 26, 2019
Astrology of Sunday, April 28th 2019
April 28, 2019Saturday begins with the Moon in Aquarius’ mentally stimulating sextile with Mercury in Aries. Communications and calculative labor are supported during the morning hours. Mid-day, though, the Moon trines Mars, activating today’s exact square between the red planet and Neptune. The Mars-Neptune square douses the flames of motivation, but also salves irritations.
Evening and night benefit from the Moon’s wee-hours sextile with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Lean towards the positive, and you’ll find the skies meeting you half-way.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 4th Quarter
Mars Square Neptune: Apr 27, 6:03 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Mercury: Apr 27, 7:35 AM PDT
Moon Trine Mars: Apr 27, 3:11 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Apr 28, 2:43 AM PDT
See Current Chart