Astrology of Friday, April 27th 2018
April 27, 2018
Astrology of Sunday, April 29th 2018
April 29, 2018Saturday dawns on an unpleasant square between Mars-Pluto in Capricorn and the Moon in Libra, marring the peace of the morning hours with a difficult to balance darkness. Nonetheless, it may catalyze insights about the psyche’s shadow, as well into the nature of power. The Sun in Taurus’ exact trine with Saturn today supports this abyss-gazing, and provides enough harmony between the dark and light to assist us in reconciling some portion of the morning’s complicated mixture.
Night time sees the Moon oppose volatile Uranus in Aries, which distributes surprises and reversals throughout the evening hours. As the night continues, the Luna enters Scorpio, setting the tone for tomorrow’s Full Moon.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, 2nd Quarter
Moon Square Pluto: Apr 28 8:21 AM
Moon Square Mars: Apr 28 10:18 AM
Moon Opposite Uranus: Apr 28 10:34 PM
Moon Enters Scorpio: Apr 29 12:13 AM
Sun Trine Saturn: Apr 29 3:03 AM
See Current Chart