Astrology of Friday, December 13th 2019
December 13, 2019
Astrology of Sunday, December 15th 2019
December 15, 2019Saturday begins with the Moon in Cancer’s opposition to Venus in Capricorn, starting the day
off with another dose of the chthonic emotions which have been bubbling up recently. If these
feelings are foregrounded for you, take the time to sort which ones are responses to your current
situation, and which ones are the ghosts of old pains. Phantoms are valid, but in a different way,
and requiring a different approach.
Come nighttime, the Moon makes it out of emotional Cancer and into optimistic Leo. Though
a late-night square between the Moon and Uranus may require some adjustment, the Moon’s
ingress into the Lion’s sign promises an easier set of days than those which we’ve just emerged
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer -> Leo, 3rd Quarter
Moon Opposite Venus: Dec 14, 7:53 AM PST
Moon Enters Leo: Dec 14, 7:54 PM PST
Moon Square Uranus: Dec 15, 12:59 AM PST
See Current Chart