Astrology of Friday, January 4th 2019
January 4, 2019
Astrology of Sunday, January 6th 2019
January 6, 2019A solar eclipse in Capricorn occurs today, the first in an 18 month series. This eclipse, which occurs next to Saturn, points to our relationship with security, control and discipline. It begins a cycle that asks us to consider the areas in which our desires for Saturnian order are stifling us, and where safety has been bought at too-great a price.
The shadow-light of this eclipse also falls on the past, and those who dwelt within it. Troubled ancestors stir, their traumas and lessons not yet processed. The dead must be heard, but not echoed.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn, Solar Eclipse
Moon Conjunction Saturn: Jan 05 2019 10:32 AM
Moon Sextile Neptune: Jan 05 2019 3:00 PM
Partial Solar Eclipse: Jan 05 2019 5:41 PM
Moon Conjunct Pluto: Jan 06 2019 4:14 AM
See Current Chart